What's the difference between computer science and programming? - MaDo


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Thursday, September 13, 2018

What's the difference between computer science and programming?

What's the difference between computer science and programming?

PC writing computer programs is the demonstration of getting a PC to do what you need. For instance, you should need to sort a rundown of names, and you can compose a program that does it any number of dialects. 

Software engineering is the investigation of organized multifaceted nature and what PCs can do specifically. It's a branch of information, once in a while looking like arithmetic and now and again like essential designing standards. Software engineering would reveal to you that it's conceivable to sort that rundown in \Theta(n log n) time and no quicker paying little respect to the program you compose. Knowing things like this will improve you a developer without a doubt, yet software engineering covers loads of themes that will never a solitary software engineer complete anything. 

It's extremely the connection between a science and its application, similar to the distinction among science and restoring growth or material science and building an extension.

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